Ever since we've moved into the homestead {the term our family and friends use when talking about the house} we just don't seem to want to leave. Weekends are spent here with lots of family and friends dropping in for a swim and for lunch. This weekend was no different. Whilst pottering around the homestead this morning I rearranged some of my blue and white things in the cabinet in our kitchen. I must say I think I really am turning into my mother now...should I be concerned? I haven't used one bit of pink in this cabinet which is such a refreshing change for me.

Whilst Brad was standing in the kitchen this morning preparing lunch for our friends I couldn't stop looking at his navy check shorts and immediately made the decision to get our new dining chairs made in navy and white check. I have been trying to decide on a fabric for our new dining chairs for a while so now, based on Brad's shorts, the decision has been made!
We seem to have a standard menu for kid's at the homestead....sausages on bread with tomato sauce. It's so easy and it seems that most children will eat sausages on a bread roll.
Whilst enjoying a bit of sunshine around the pool today I also enjoyed looking at my orchids which have just bloomed.

I also tried to enjoy a few moments reading one of my gardening books around the pool but Ned just wouldn't leave me alone.
It seemed that all he wanted was my hat.