Wednesday, January 28, 2009

For Like....Gone!

I don't usually like to post sad news here at ABT because I personally try to concentrate on the happy things in life and I try, as much as possible, to make ABT a happy, positive place for you my readers. But today is not a happy day. Today is a sad day and a day which I cannot let pass by without making my very small voice heard.

This morning I woke to emails from some of my lovely blog friends {Jo, Heather & Natalie} letting me know about the awful and I must say depressing news that Domino Magazine is finished....what we all thought was 'For Like Ever' is now 'For Like Gone'.

Each month, like lots and lots of people around the world I looked forward to my Domino subscription arriving in my mail box, albeit much later than my American friends...but always worth the wait.

In my opinion Domino has been a breath of fresh air. It has supported young, up-and-coming Designers and has been a magazine which has inspired me as a young Designer to think outside the square. It has offered Eco-Friendly Design, Budget-Friendly Design and overall I feel that it has offered achievable Design.

I spoke to Natalie Walton this morning {via email}, the Deputy Editor of Real Living Magazine here in Australia and I said to her I hope this doesn't start happening to our favourite Australian Home Magazines. Her response was interesting.....

"I think part of the problem with US mags is that they charge so little for the subscriptions – often only $1 an issue – that they’re really heavily reliant on advertising so when that drops they don’t have much room left to manoeuvre within their budget."

I agree with Natalie. I certainly think Domino was very inexpensive and I would have paid double, even triple the price for my monthly issue. Our Australian Home magazines range in price from roughly $6.00 to $10.00 an issue.

However, there really isn't anything we can do. I feel sad for the contributing Sylists, Writers, Photographers, Designers featured and Staff of Domino and I feel sad that these horrible times are taking away our small pleasures.

Good-bye Domino. You will be missed by many.

Image - Domino Magazine