home, girl home, sexy home, beautyfful home, luxury home, boy home,
It was so nice to get out of the tracksuit pants I've been sporting all week and into some proper clothes with make-up on last night to head out to the opening of Spiro Grace Art Rooms in Spring Hill.
Brad, Harry & I decided we needed some adult time out so we decided to leave Max with his gorgeous Nanny Rhonda for a few hours whilst we attended the gallery opening. I had my first glass of French champagne in 9 months upon arriving at the gallery. It went straight to my head of course. We ended up purchasing 2 paintings by emerging artist Simone Louise Gillespie. I was so thrilled we decided on them straight away as every painting I looked at as the night progressed had a sold sticker.
Gallery owners Paul Spiro {yes he is related to me - he is my uncle} and Renai Grace will be showcasing emerging {and therefore quite reasonably priced} artists in their space on a quarterly basis. I for one can't wait for their next exhibition.
For all enquiries or to be added to SGAR's mailing list email Renai renai@sgar.com.au
A snippet of one of the rooms in our new Design Studio
Last week we welcomed our second son, Max into the world. He is perfect in every way. Thank you for all your lovely emails and comments.
I love this image which Interior Divine posted recently of a room in a converted farmhouse in South Africa. It's just so white and bright and fresh. I am loving, in particular, the non-existence of colour...I know that may sound strange coming from me!! I am also in-love with the particular collection of pieces in this room.
Image via Living Etc. July 2009 issue via Interior Divine blog